Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How can I access the Journal?
A: You can visit the "Current" page to browse the journal by sections and/or download it as a full PDF.
Q: How often will the Journal be published?
A: The Journal will be published twice a year: in the spring and in the fall.
Q: How are articles chosen for the Journal?
A: The Editors commission and invite articles from members and other relevant sources.
Questions? Comments? Contact us at IOSFSjournal@gmail.com
The Orff-Schulwerk International
Editorial Team

Sarah Hennessy

Verena Maschat
(unless otherwise stated)

Rebecca Macoskey
Design & composition
Publication Information
ISSN 2791-4763
International Orff-Schulwerk Forum Salzburg
Frohnburgweg 55 A-5020 Salzburg Austria
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Photographic and video material is usually owned by the author, unless previously published (e.g. on YouTube). Permission to copy or reproduce any image must also be sought via the IOSFS Editors who will contact the author.